- I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
If I'm still living in my flesh with my own effort and strength, I would still be a slave of sin and Christ would have nothing to do with me.
I would not have the power to overcome sin and temptation because my flesh and my ego would operate with the lust of the world and flesh to drag me away from God and towards Satan who delights in destroying people in general, and children of God in particular.
Satan may destroy the body or flesh of the children of God, but since the children of God has the Spirit of God in them, Satan cannot destroy the spirit of the man who has been born again in Jesus.
Since, we have been crucified in Jesus and raised to life in Him, and now He lives in each and every one of us, we have the power to overcome sin and temptation, every one of them.
The power is Jesus. Jesus is the power.
Jesus works in me and you to live out each day. May sufferings come our way, suffers Jesus with us in our dismay.
So, if it is not I (or my ego) that lives, who is actually living in me? It is Jesus Himself who is actually living in me. The ego is done away with, and Jesus is present in me, and breathing, thinking, feeling, moving, interacting with people around me and you.
God Himself is living in each and every child of God.
God Himself is living in me and you today, and will be doing so again tomorrow and the day after and so on.
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